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Food Packs

On days we don’t have a volunteer cooking meals, we love to be able to provide our young people a food pack with lunch and food to take with them after they leave us. Lunches can include items such as sandwiches, fruit, chips, protein bars, drinks, desserts, and any other snack items. They can be dropped off at Oasis between 9 am – 3 pm on your chosen day.

Click this link to learn more or sign up online. If you have any questions or need to request an alternate time for delivery, email Felisha Baquera

Size of Group: 1 person +

Time Commitment: As long as it takes to whip up some sandwiches and assemble a bag lunch.

Budget Needed: It depends. The contents of the lunches vary.

For Food Packs Signup Calendar click below:
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Average number of young people experiencing homelessness who visit the Outreach Center every day
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