“The people at Oasis are very kind and educating. They have truly opened my eyes about college and about life.”

Built on the powerful belief that there’s more to youth.

In 1969, a group of young lawyers came together to establish the “Rap House,” a simple community center for runaway teens and youth struggling with addictions. Fifty years later, the “Rap House” has evolved into Oasis Center, where more than 3,500 youth and families turn for help and direct support every year. Oasis Center provides a wide range of opportunities that reflect the diverse needs of youth and their families, from crisis intervention to youth

leadership and community engagement to college and career access.

Our 20+ programs and services are based on the foundation of four areas for youth success – Safety, Belonging, Empowerment, and Generosity. All of our work is also firmly rooted in the evidence-based principles of Positive Youth Development and Trauma-Informed Care.

Judy Freudenthal

If you know Oasis, you likely know Judy. Over her 40-year career at Oasis – starting at the “Rap House” – Judy has continually helped our programs evolve and become models in the field of positive youth development. Her unending responsibility to our young people, who help us grow and “get it right,” is at the center of Oasis today. So, what keeps her here? “The people, the spirit, the privilege to be part of something remarkable. Anyone can tell you the finest people come through our doors.”

Judy Freudenthal


Alexuss has a reputation around Oasis for being the “glue that keeps a group together.” Although her path hasn’t always been easy, she is a leader- in every sense of the word. She came to us in 2011 when life was beginning to take its toll. In 2015, she took part in Camp AnyTown where Oasis staff recognized her potential and referred her to the Mayor’s Youth Council. This past year, Alexuss was awarded a Presidential Scholarship and will be attending TSU with plans to go to law school.


“Yeah I did this!” Natica’s zest for life is contagious and he is unstoppable! In 8th grade, he had a vivid dream, one that inspired him to write . . . and write . . . and write. As a senior, he wrote 6 books, self-published 3, and currently has a screenplay underway! Natica credits Venture with helping him to expand his vision, identify his next steps, and market his work. He’s attending Murray State University as a Theater Major. You did it, Natica!

The percentage of teens exiting the Emergency Shelter who reunited with families or transitioned to safe living situations outside of foster care
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Youth Opportunity Center

What if youth could meet all of their needs in one place? That's the vision for the Youth Opportunity Center, a shared building collaboration between Oasis and five youth-serving agencies.

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Our Programs

The lives of our young people are complex. Supporting their transition to a healthy, productive adulthood can’t happen through singular support. Oasis offers a broad spectrum of programs to help young people find their strengths, use their skills, and break down the barriers that keep them from achieving success.


Bike Workshop



Girl Holding Backpack-resized

Emergency Shelter


Just Us


Mayor’s Youth Council


Oasis College Connection

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Outreach Program

Rapid Rehousing Grid Block 470X400

Rapid Rehousing


Reaching Excellence As Leaders (REAL)

Let loose make art-resized

Underground Art Studio at Oasis


WeGo Public Transit Youth Action Team

Prevention Website Page 470X400_USE

Youth and Family Homelessness Prevention Program


International Teen Outreach Program® (ITOP®)

Yoga Tree Pose-resized1

Statewide Training and Development


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