It can be really hard to find a place or person to turn to when life becomes too overwhelming. Oasis’s Emergency Shelter is a safe place where you can stay when it’s just too hard living at home.
What can I expect?
During a short-term stay, up to 10 young people stay with us at one time.
Here are some things you can expect during your stay at Oasis:
• We’re not here to judge or lecture. You’ll talk with adults you can trust and who can help you and your family mend your relationship.
• You do not need to stress about school. The Oasis Learning Center helps you keep up with your work.
• Participate in activities with other young people. We volunteer, cook meals, go to the Y, play games, and talk about the things you want to talk about.
• Connect to programs like Oasis College Connection, Just Us, the Art Studio, and more.
After leaving the Shelter, we help you return to a safe home with a plan to keep up the positive changes.
Is the Shelter right for me?
If you’re 13-17 years old and dealing with a really difficult situation at home or in school or you need a safe place to stay, the Shelter might be right for you. Give us a call at 615.327.4455. We’re here around the clock to help you.