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Rapid Rehousing

Are you a young person, 18-24, who is experiencing homelessness in Nashville? We can help.

Rapid Rehousing provides rental assistance and support to get you housed quickly, safely, and permanently.

How It Works
You meet one-on-one with an Oasis staff member to develop a plan that works for you. We’ll walk with you through the entire housing process – from finding a place, to figuring out finances, to moving in and getting settled.

While figuring out your housing situation, we can also connect you to a variety of other resources that meet your specific needs, like getting a job or healthcare or working on your education.

How do I enroll?
To get enrolled in the Rapid Rehousing program, you must be entered into Nashville’s Coordinated Entry. Oasis Center can help you access Coordinated Entry through our Street Outreach program.

Call 615-327-4455 or drop by Oasis Monday-Friday, 9am – 5pm, at
1704 Charlotte Ave., Suite 200

Here are some of our services:
• Rental assistance
• Locating housing
• Finding affordable childcare
• Paying utilities
• Getting healthcare
• Counseling
• Transportation
• Clothing
• Food
• College access
• Finding employment
• Getting personal documents

youth who will be housed this year through Rapid Rehousing
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