WeGo Youth Visit the Big Apple!
Our WeGo Youth Action Team (YAT) works with Nashville's WeGo Public Transit to address barriers impacting youth mobility. YAT members also get to meet and collaborate with other young people who share their concerns while they build their leadership and advocacy skills. In March, YAT members traveled to New York to explore the transit system in a city that relies heavily on public transportation. They rode various buses and subways to learn firsthand how a reliable transit system functions, which they will use to develop ideas for improving Nashville's bus system and increasing youth ridership.
YAT members all viewed the trip as a positive learning experience. One member was impressed that public transportation could unify a state as big as New York and thought it could be achievable in Tennessee; another said they learned a lot about how to plan a trip and use public transportation effectively; and another said they learned how accessible and user-friendly the NY subway system is, and how crucial flexibility is when traveling.
In addition to learning about the transit system and building on their teamwork skills, members were able to explore NYC's food, culture, and sights.
This trip was made possible by the Max Barry Youth Adventure Fund, which provides funding to support travel opportunities for youth groups associated with Oasis Center.