2024 Mayor's Youth Summit
On November 21, the Mayor's Youth Council (MYC) hosted the annual Mayor's Youth Summit, at Martin Development Center. Attendees included 165 high school students from 19 Metro Nashville Public Schools (MNPS), Mayor Freddie O'Connell, Council Members, School Board members, reps from the Mayor's office and MNPS, community partners, and more. During the welcoming remarks, Member At-Large Zulfat Suara presented MYC with a proclamation in recognition of its 25-year anniversary.
Participants then split into four breakout groups - on DEI, Environmental Justice, Public Health, and Nashville Quality of Life - where they brainstormed solutions to their issues, then reconvened to present their ideas to the full group. The Mayor then addressed the crowd on the importance of MYC's work with the Administration.
Oasis Center also helped register 17 students who are or would be turning 18 within the next year. Voter registration can also be done online.