Youth Day in Government
On April 2, Nashville high schoolers were given a firsthand glimpse of local government in action during the inaugural Youth Day in Government. The day was led by Council Member At-Large Zulfat Suara, with assistance from Metro Nashville Public Schools and The Nashville Child and Youth Collaborative – a coalition of local organizations including Oasis Center working to ensure that youth voice is included in policy decisions that impact their lives.
Members of the Mayor's Youth Council (MYC) were among participants who presented on key community issues to the Metro Council and school board members. They chose food deserts and shared their ideas for installing pop-up farmers markets at bus stops in critical areas to address food insecurity. Throughout the day, the students also had the opportunity to sit in on Council committee meetings, meet with State elected officials, and tour the Courthouse.
We're so proud of their hard work and commitment to making Nashville a city that works for all, and we're encouraged to see the city's future leaders in action!